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Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s wings, the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, also eables the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away phenomenonA. 不一样的本能B. 奇迹C. 现象D. 非凡的人absorbedA. 吸引B. 吸收C. 理解D. 承受reflectedA. 反省B. 体现C. 放松D. 反射2. Although ice particles in the upper atmosphere benefit Earth in that they reflect and absorb solar radiation, acting as a global thermostat and thus keeping Earth from either burning up or freezing over, they also accelerate the destruction of the ozone layer by reacting with chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)benefitA. 使……得益B. 下面C. 福利D. 促进reflectA. 体现B. 反射C. 放松D. 反省accelerateA. 积累B. 扩大C. 加速D. 减少3. Whereas the use of synthetic fertilizers has greatly expanded agricultural productivity in many parts of the world, an increase in their use can create serious environmental problems such as water pollution, and their substitution for more traditional fertilizers may accelerate soil structure deterioration and soil erosionWhereasA. 如果B. 虽然C. 鉴于D. 因为expandedA. 花费B. 促进C. 膨胀D. 延伸substitutionA. 标题B. 替换C. 补给D. 消灭4.Shipwrecks are more likely to be found undisturbed at great depths than in shallow coastal waters,where archaeological remains are exposed to turbulence and are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether archaeologist, treasure hunter, or sport diver.undisturbedA.未用过的B. 不受…影响的;不受…烦扰的C. 平静的;D. 不动的remainsA. 仍然B. 遗体C. 残余;残迹D. 维持accessibleA.可以评估的B. 易得到的C. 浅显易懂的D. 好用的5. Socially and environmentally responsible investing is on the rise: last year in the United States, over $2 trillion was invested in funds that screen companies according to a variety of criteria such as adherence to labor standards, protection of the environment, and observance of human rightsresponsibleA. 有责任心的; B. 受责备的C. 负责的(对项目等)D. 反应快的criteriaA. 分析B. 标准C. 规定D. 批评adherenceA. 遵守B. 粘合C. 接近D. 坚持observanceA. 庆祝B. 惯例C. 遵守D. 观察6. When lawmakers establish income tax rates in order to generate a certain level of revenue, they do not allow adequately for revenue that will be lost through evasion.establishA. 废除B. 联系C. 建立D. 证实generateA. 产生B. 一般C. 将军D. 迸发adequatelyA. 恰当地B. 充分地C. 相似地D. 差强人意地7. To help counteract the adverse effects of trout stocking on the amphibian populations in certain mountain lakes, biologists are recommending that some states cut back on trout stocking and even remove the trout from some popular fishing lakescounteractA. 综合B. 阻碍C. 抵消D. 改正adverseA. 相反的B. 不利的C. 有利的D. 逆反的recommendingA. 托付B. 推荐C. 建议D. 使受欢迎;使有优势8. Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquireamassedA. 驱散B. 准备C. 拥有D. 积累drawingA. 吸引B. 汲取;提取C. 得出 (结论)D. 来临;临近9. It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology : Alvin Toffler, one of the most prominent students of the future, did not even mention microcomputers in Future Shock, published in 1970 faultA. 断层B. 错误C. 故障D. 缺点anticipatingA. 预先准备B. 参与C. 预期;期望D. 占先;抢先impactA. 影响B. 打击C. 冲击力D. 撞击10. One critic’s response to the philosopher’s new work is not that the position it takes is heretical, as some have asserted, but instead nothing new to anyone who knows anything about the topiccriticA. 评论家B. 文章C. 爱挑剔的人D. 吹毛求疵的人assertedA. 彰显 (自己) B. 坚定地陈述;断言C. 显示 (权威)D. 坚持 (权利或要求)11. The state has proposed new rules that would set minimum staffing levels for nurses, rules intended to ensure that at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room.proposedA. 求婚B. 建议C. 提示D. 计划intendedA. 延伸B. 计划C. 建议D. 旨在assignedA. 任命B. 分析C. 分派D. 赋予 (某功能或价值)12、For many years, theoretical economists characterized humans as rational beings relentlessly bent on maximizing purely selfish rewardcharacterizedA. 描述为…B. 特征C. 塑造人物D. 性格为…rationalA. 成比例的B. 冲动的C. 理性的D. 合理的maximizingA. 取…最大值B. 达到C. 尽可能广义地解释D. 对…极为句子抽主干 抽主干务必看示范,保留主谓语即可,不要宾语要求:只保留主句的主语和谓语的核心词,包括助动词。如果有表语可保留 范例: (1)If the tower’s construction had not taken two centuries and involved significant breaks due to war and civil unrest, which allowed the ground beneath the tower to settle, the tower would have collapsed before it was completed. 答案应为:the tower would have collapsed 范例: (2)One of the primary distinctions between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as in our ability to extend knowledge gained in one context to new and different ones. 答案应为:one may lieThe new political science curriculum at some high schools in India encourages teachers to use cartoons and newspaper clippings to provoke classroom debate on contemporary issues. 请全部使用小写字母填写Increased competition in this market will certainly lower prices请全部使用小写字母填写Biologists working to rescue the giant condor from extinction use radio telemetry and satellite signals to track banded birds.请全部使用小写字母填写The theory that the mass extinctions of 250 million years ago were caused by increased volcanic activity and a warming climate is based on newly discovered evidence.请全部使用小写字母填写The recent discovery that microbes can survive in extremely hostile environments on Earth has fueled speculation by some scientists that life may exist under similarly harsh conditions on other planets.请全部使用小写字母填写Evidence from several research studies has suggested that while all exercise has a positive effect on people’s moods, exercise performed out of doors brings the greatest psychological benefits.请全部使用小写字母填写The development of cameras so small that they can be swallowed by patients has made diagnosing certain diseases much easier.请全部使用小写字母填写One of the few marine mammals to make use of tools is the Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin, which uses sea sponges to stir sand on the ocean floor while hunting for prey.请全部使用小写字母填写Unlike Mesopotamian cities, in which buildings were arranged haphazardly, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses were laid out on a north-south, east-west grid, and houses and walls were built of standard-size bricks.请全部使用小写字母填写New data from United States Forest Service ecologists show that for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, seven dollars are saved that would have been spent on extinguishing big fires.请全部使用小写字母填写Like the grassy fields and old pastures that the upland sandpiper needs for feeding and nesting when it returns in May after wintering in the Argentine Pampas, the bird itself is vanishing in the northeastern United States as a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in farming practices.请全部使用小写字母填写The results of two recent unrelated studies support the idea that dolphins may share certain cognitive abilities with humans and great apes.请全部使用小写字母填写Traces of cultivated emmer wheat have been found among the earliest agricultural remains of many archaeological sites in Europe and Asia请全部使用小写字母填写In 1995 Richard Stallman, a well-known critic of the patent system, testified in Patent Office hearings that, to test the system, a colleague of his had managed to win a patent for one of Kirchhoff’s laws, an observation about electric current first made in 1845 and now included in virtually every textbook of elementary physics.请全部使用小写字母填写Excavators at the Indus Valley site of Harappa in eastern Palistan say the discovery of inscribed shards dating to circa 2800-2600 B.C. indicates that the development of a Harappan writing system, the use of inscribed seals impressed into clay for marking ownership, and the standardization of weights for trade or taxation occurred many decades, if not centuries, earlier than was previously believed.请全部使用小写字母填写The only place where the wild form of emmer wheat has been found growing is a relatively narrow strip of southwest Asia.请全部使用小写字母填写Despite the increasing number of women graduating from law school and passing bar examinations, the corporation of judges and partners at major law firms who are women has not risen comparably.请全部使用小写字母填写Seldom more than 40 feet wide or 12 feet deep but running 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, the Erie Canal connected the Hudson River at Albany to the Great Lakes at Buffalo, providing the port of New York City with a direct water link to the heartland of the North American continent.请全部使用小写字母填写段落分析 A proposed change to federal income tax laws would eliminate deductions from taxable income for donations a taxpayer has made to charitable and educational institutions. If this change were adopted, wealthy individuals would no longer be permitted such deductions. Therefore, many charitable and educational institutions would have to reduce services, and some would have to close their doors. 选中正确的原文逻辑类型A因推果B Plan-GoalC 果推因D 类比原文关键元素,如“因”或“Plan”复制粘贴下框中原文关键元素,如“果”或“Goal”复制粘贴下框中段落分析 ①Beta Corporation claims that it no longer has enough work for the 60 computer data-entry workers that it is laying off. ②These workers have heard, however, that the company is buying 100 new computers. ③the workers concluded that the company's real reason for laying them off is to fill their jobs with lower-paid workers.第②句和第③句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果①For many years, theoretical economists characterized humans as rational beings relentlessly benton maximizing purely selfish reward. ② Results of an experimental economics study appear to contradict this view.第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果① It is possible that fish with either a right eye or a left eye bias for viewing conspecifics would be positioned on the left and right side of the school respectively. ②This would allow lateralized fish to simultaneously gather information about their school mates in one hemifield and other key stimuli in the contra-lateral hemifield (e.g., predators or prey).第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果① Even though vegetable meal is nutritious to fish and less costly to use than anchovy meal, most fish farmers feed their fish only anchovy meal because fish prefer its taste and consequently gain weight faster. ②Farmed fish would gain weight faster still on a diet consisting of a new seafood product, but this diet’s advantages do not compensate for its additional cost. ③Nevertheless, the product’s developers predict that their product will be a commercially successful food for farmed fish第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果①Mother otariids use a foraging strategy. ②They acquire moderate energy stores in the form of blubber before arriving at breeding sites and then fast for 5 to 11 days after birth. ③Throughout the rest of the lactation (milk production) period, which lasts from 4 months to 3 years depending on the species, mother otariids alternately forage at sea, where they replenish their fat stores, and nurse their young at breeding sites第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果句子改错 答题说明:以下信息对于帮助我们去判断你的基础和弱项非常重要 1、选出你认为的正确答案 2、尽可能地给出你排除的每个选项的理由 3、总结这题老头的主要考点 4、写出你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景The Four Corners Monument in the southwestern region of the United States, marking the place where the boundaries of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah intersect.A. States, marking the place B. States marks the placeC. States, the place D. States, it marks E. States marking排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:Seeking to reduce pollution from conventional electricity plants, ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power are being considered by the state of Oregon.A. ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power are being considered by the state of OregonB. ways of converting the energy of ocean waves into usable power are something being considered by the state of OregonC. the conversion of the energy of ocean waves into usable power has been considered by the state of OregonD. the state of Oregon is considering ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a descendant of John and Priscilla Alden, whose romance he celebrated in the narrative poem “The Courtship of Miles Standish.”A. whose romance he celebratedB. he celebrated their romanceC.their romance was celebrated by himD. it was their romance he celebratesE. having celebrated their romance排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:A structure large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall, which spans thousands of milesA. A structure large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall, which spans thousands of miles B. A structure large enough to be seen from outer space and created by workers moving massive stone blocks is China’s Great Wall, it spans thousands of miles.C. Created by workers moving massive stone blocks, China’s Great Wall spans thousands of miles and is large enough to be seen from outer space.D. Spanning thousands of miles and it is large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall.排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:The television show Soul Train reached the height of its popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, it was showcasing the latest songs by outstanding rhythm-and-blues, soul, and hip-hop artists.A. it was showcasingB. it showcasedC. showing D. when it showcasesE. when they showcased排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:When I learned that both events were scheduled for the same evening, I found it difficult to choose between going to the basketball game or attend the rock concert.A. or attendB. or to attendC. or attendingD. and attendingE. and to attend排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:Although she spoke only Chinese at the time and had to memorize her English lines phonetically, Gong LI gave a memorable performance in the film GeishaA. Gong Li gave memorable performance in the film Memoirs of a GeishaB. Gong Li giving a memorable performance in the Memoirs of a GeishaC. Gong Li whose performance in the film Memoirs of a Geisha was memorably givenD. but the performance in the film memoirs of a Geisha given by Gong Li was memorableE. the film Memoirs of a Geisha had a memorable performance. it was given by Gong LI排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:When I asked which of the children was his daughter, he pointed to a little girl feeding a duck in a blue dress.A. feeding a duck in a blue dressB. feeding a duck and was in a blue dressC. feeding a duck, she was in a blue dressD. in a blue dress who was feeding a duckE. in a blue dress, she was feeding a duck排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:句子分析能力 Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time the surface broke apart as a result of repeated impacts, after which the fragments rejoined through mutual gravitational attraction哪个选项正确描述了句子的总体结构A 从句,修饰,主+谓+从句B 从句,从句,主句,从句C 从句,主句,从句D 主句,从句,修饰Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of mutual gravitational attraction.根据划线部分的角色,复制出你认为句子中和解题暂时无关的信息并粘贴在下框考点熟悉度分析 Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of mutual gravitational attraction.(A)repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of (B)repeated impacts on the surface broke it apart, after which the fragments having rejoined with (C)through repeated impacts that the surface broke apart, after which the fragments subsequently rejoined by (D)the surface broke apart with repeated impacts, after which the fragments having rejoined through (E)the surface broke apart as a result of repeated impacts, after which the fragments rejoined through列举你排除每个选项的原因篇章分析 作者是否有观点?无有文中有几个观点?没1个2个或以上作者对其它观点是什么态度? 作者没观点或中性正评价负评价 段落分工: A 现象 B 观点 B1 作者自己 B2 别人的 C 论据 C1 作者自己的 C2 别人的数学测试说明涵盖基础知识自查 数的分类 ,数轴,正数负数,绝对值,因子和最大公因子,倍数和最小公倍数,有尽小数,小数加减,不等式,应用题基础,指数计算,代数式计算,代数化简,函数,一元一次方程,一元二次方程,几何,统计基础。 46是一个什么数?A natural, whole, an integer, irrationalB natural, whole, an integer rational and real.C natural and real and decimal.D irrational and real6.675是一个什么数?A terminating decimal B integerC irrationalD nonrepeating decimals给下面几个数字从小到大排序 : -3/4; 1/2; 3+(1/8); √4;-2.38A -3/4; -2.38 ; 1/2; √4;3+(1/8)B -3/4; -2.38 ; √4; 1/2; 3+(1/8)C -2.38 ; -3/4; 1/2; √4;3+(1/8)D -2.38 ; -3/4; 1/2; 3+(1/8) ; √42*|-4|= 2-|-4|=-|-6|=18的因子有哪些?A 2,3,6,9.18B 1,2,3,6,9,18 C 2,3D 2,3.6.916的因子个数有几个?A 3个B 4个C 5个D 6个18 个质因子有几个?A 2个B 3个C 4个D 6个18和72的最大公因子是多少?A 2B 3C 9 D 189 和11的 最小公倍数是多少?A 1 B 9 C 11D 992/5+1/4=1/2+1/3=3/5 ÷ (8/9)=4/5*(1/2)=4.24*2.1=1.2*5.8=1250÷0.05 =(-2)(-15)=66÷(-2)=a<b , a<c ;b和c的关系是 ?A b<cB b>c C 不能确定D b=ca<b and b<c; a和c的关系是?A a<cB a=c C a>c D 不确定-1/2 和-1/3 的大小关系是?A -1/2 大B -1/3 大C 一样大D 不确定下面那个分数数值最大?A 2:9 B 42:52C 5:30 D 19:37一个人一小时走1/2 mile 那么走2mile需要几小时?直接填写数值即可一个人 30分钟 完成一项工作 两个人速度相同,需要多久(分钟)完成这项工作?直接填写数值即可一个东西3.5刀单价,成本2刀,需要卖出多少个可以赚到15刀?直接填写数值即可一辆车 在时速40mile/hour的时候,走25mile耗油3gallon,求在40mile/hour的情况下,这辆车走100mile 需要耗油多少?直接填写数值即可一场演唱会一共105分钟,20:15分开始 几点钟结束?直接填写数值即可(24小时制)某城市植树,在一条笔直的马路头种下了一棵树,每隔4米种一颗,一共20米的路,请问有多少颗树 ?直接填写数值即可一个公司里有40%的女性员工,女性员工中有10%是高级职称,求女性高级职称的人有多少百分比?直接填写数值即可小树老师去吃饭,一共支付了13.2刀,其中给了10%的小费,那么没有小费的餐是多少钱?直接填写数值即可小树老师去买眼线笔一个15刀,大仙让小树老师给他带个面膜 一个单价10刀,店里打折 超过20刀整单优惠20%discount,一共需要支付多少钱?直接填写数值即可小树老师去买眼线笔一个15刀,大仙让小树老师给他带个面膜 一个单价10刀,大仙要了10片面膜,店里打折 超过20刀整单优惠20%discount,但是小树老师依然收了大仙10刀一个面膜。问小树老师赚了多少钱?直接填写数值即可大仙5月去银行存了100万人民币,存10年,单利2% 每年, 大仙10年以后的本息和是多少钱?单位:万直接填写数值即可小树老师2018年年初 去银行存了10万软妹币,存到2020年年底(共两年)每年利率为10%复利,那么到2020年底本息和是多少钱?单位:万直接填写数值即可(3x²y3)²=?9x6y49x4y6x6y49x4y914m0=?x-3/x-4=?字母请小写n!=n*(n-1)*(n-2)*….*1 4!/3!=?(n-1)!/(n-2)!= F(X)=X²+6 当X =6时 F(X)=?X@Y =x²y 求2@3=?x@y=x²y 求x²@y=?x4y2x4yxy44xy一个三角形 边长是a b 和c, a+b?c A <B >C 不确定D =给下面几个概念排序 选出你认为总属关系A parallelogram ∈rectangleB Rhombus ∈Square C Parallelogram ∈RhombusD Square ∈parallelogram圆周长公式C=2πr,那么圆心角是120度角对应的小的弧长是多少?大仙想知道小树老师的数学学生一年有多少,于是派自己的弟子10个人去参加小树老师的课程,假设同一时间内,小树老师的数学总数基本不变,30天后,大仙随便找了小树老师的10个学生来参加问卷,发现有自己的弟子2人,求小树老师同一时间学生数量多少人?A 20人 B 35人C 50人D 不能求出一共5个人 其中4个人的身高是158 160 162 168,5个人的身高range是10cm.问剩下一个人身高是多少?A 148B 155C 178 D160已知2是关于x的方程 3x+a=0的一个解,则a的值是?A -5B -3C -4D -6直线方程 y=3x+3的图像的x轴截距是多少?A -1B 1C 3 D 求不出Y=4x²+4x+1 是一个一元二次方程,问和x轴有几个交点?Y=4x²+4x-3 是一个一元二次方程,问和x轴有几个交点?7个学生去考GMAT,大家的分数如下500、550、600、650、700、 750、 800.求他们的中位数是多少?A 650 B 625 C 675 D 条件不足7个学生去考GMAT,大家的分数如下500、550、 600、650、700、750、800.求他们的平均数是多少?A 650 B 625 C 675 D 条件不足有一组数据符合正态分布,关于平均数对称,平均数是80 ,标准方差是2 ,其中78到82的数据占全部数据的68%,求比82少的人占全部人数多少percent?A 68%B 50%C 32%D 84%有一个长方形的照片尺寸是9*10cm ,小树老师要给它做一个相框。尺寸是 宽度2cm。求相框的面积?直接填写数值 如图 一个梯子开始在45°角的位置 起始位置是5m. 后来同一个梯子下移了一段距离,求问号部分的长度?A (5√6-10)/2B (5√2-10)/2C (5√3-10)/2D 条件不足 提交成功!
GMAT基础知识与技能评估 本测试分为三个部分,分别是信息收集、基础测试、方法论测试;了为能让我们更充分的了解您,并给出针对性规划安排,请认真填写! 测试过程中不可以关闭测试页面,会导致填写内容丢失。 本测试分为三个部分,分别是信息收集、基础测试、方法论测试;了为能让我们更充分的了解您,并给出针对性规划安排,请认真填写! 测试过程中不可以关闭测试页面,会导致填写内容丢失 承诺:您的所有信息将被执行最高保密封存,如有疑问可电联:400-728-0020 信息收集 姓名电话邮箱学校名称所学专业年级(若毕业了,写“毕业”)高考成绩: 语文 数学 英语 成绩数值请用“,”号隔开,如忘记,可填写记忆分数中考成绩: 语文 数学 英语成绩数值请用“,”号隔开,如忘记,可填写记忆分数托福或者雅思分数请填写总分以及阅读小分考过GMAT数学小项达到47+,或者曾经考过SAT数学达到750以上,或者就读985/211类高校本题主要为最后的数学测试做依据,数学水平达到以上程度者,选择“是”可以免于测试。如果您对数学水平没有把握,可以选择“否”,以获取最后的数学专项测试。是否GMAT备考、考试经历与规划 是否参加过GMAT考试是否目前已经在看的资料或做的题目参加过的培训班或看过其它老师课程(材料)已有分数分别是多少以及对应的日期是否已经调取ESR增强报告是否下次考试时间计划复习时长(以月为单位)是否脱产是否单词测试 词汇选择意思务必要结合所在句子,而不是直接套自己知道的意思1. Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s wings, the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, also eables the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away phenomenonA. 不一样的本能B. 奇迹C. 现象D. 非凡的人absorbedA. 吸引B. 吸收C. 理解D. 承受reflectedA. 反省B. 体现C. 放松D. 反射2. Although ice particles in the upper atmosphere benefit Earth in that they reflect and absorb solar radiation, acting as a global thermostat and thus keeping Earth from either burning up or freezing over, they also accelerate the destruction of the ozone layer by reacting with chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)benefitA. 使……得益B. 下面C. 福利D. 促进reflectA. 体现B. 反射C. 放松D. 反省accelerateA. 积累B. 扩大C. 加速D. 减少3. Whereas the use of synthetic fertilizers has greatly expanded agricultural productivity in many parts of the world, an increase in their use can create serious environmental problems such as water pollution, and their substitution for more traditional fertilizers may accelerate soil structure deterioration and soil erosionWhereasA. 如果B. 虽然C. 鉴于D. 因为expandedA. 花费B. 促进C. 膨胀D. 延伸substitutionA. 标题B. 替换C. 补给D. 消灭4.Shipwrecks are more likely to be found undisturbed at great depths than in shallow coastal waters,where archaeological remains are exposed to turbulence and are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether archaeologist, treasure hunter, or sport diver.undisturbedA.未用过的B. 不受…影响的;不受…烦扰的C. 平静的;D. 不动的remainsA. 仍然B. 遗体C. 残余;残迹D. 维持accessibleA.可以评估的B. 易得到的C. 浅显易懂的D. 好用的5. Socially and environmentally responsible investing is on the rise: last year in the United States, over $2 trillion was invested in funds that screen companies according to a variety of criteria such as adherence to labor standards, protection of the environment, and observance of human rightsresponsibleA. 有责任心的; B. 受责备的C. 负责的(对项目等)D. 反应快的criteriaA. 分析B. 标准C. 规定D. 批评adherenceA. 遵守B. 粘合C. 接近D. 坚持observanceA. 庆祝B. 惯例C. 遵守D. 观察6. When lawmakers establish income tax rates in order to generate a certain level of revenue, they do not allow adequately for revenue that will be lost through evasion.establishA. 废除B. 联系C. 建立D. 证实generateA. 产生B. 一般C. 将军D. 迸发adequatelyA. 恰当地B. 充分地C. 相似地D. 差强人意地7. To help counteract the adverse effects of trout stocking on the amphibian populations in certain mountain lakes, biologists are recommending that some states cut back on trout stocking and even remove the trout from some popular fishing lakescounteractA. 综合B. 阻碍C. 抵消D. 改正adverseA. 相反的B. 不利的C. 有利的D. 逆反的recommendingA. 托付B. 推荐C. 建议D. 使受欢迎;使有优势8. Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquireamassedA. 驱散B. 准备C. 拥有D. 积累drawingA. 吸引B. 汲取;提取C. 得出 (结论)D. 来临;临近9. It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology : Alvin Toffler, one of the most prominent students of the future, did not even mention microcomputers in Future Shock, published in 1970 faultA. 断层B. 错误C. 故障D. 缺点anticipatingA. 预先准备B. 参与C. 预期;期望D. 占先;抢先impactA. 影响B. 打击C. 冲击力D. 撞击10. One critic’s response to the philosopher’s new work is not that the position it takes is heretical, as some have asserted, but instead nothing new to anyone who knows anything about the topiccriticA. 评论家B. 文章C. 爱挑剔的人D. 吹毛求疵的人assertedA. 彰显 (自己) B. 坚定地陈述;断言C. 显示 (权威)D. 坚持 (权利或要求)11. The state has proposed new rules that would set minimum staffing levels for nurses, rules intended to ensure that at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room.proposedA. 求婚B. 建议C. 提示D. 计划intendedA. 延伸B. 计划C. 建议D. 旨在assignedA. 任命B. 分析C. 分派D. 赋予 (某功能或价值)12、For many years, theoretical economists characterized humans as rational beings relentlessly bent on maximizing purely selfish rewardcharacterizedA. 描述为…B. 特征C. 塑造人物D. 性格为…rationalA. 成比例的B. 冲动的C. 理性的D. 合理的maximizingA. 取…最大值B. 达到C. 尽可能广义地解释D. 对…极为句子抽主干 抽主干务必看示范,保留主谓语即可,不要宾语要求:只保留主句的主语和谓语的核心词,包括助动词。如果有表语可保留 范例: (1)If the tower’s construction had not taken two centuries and involved significant breaks due to war and civil unrest, which allowed the ground beneath the tower to settle, the tower would have collapsed before it was completed. 答案应为:the tower would have collapsed 范例: (2)One of the primary distinctions between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as in our ability to extend knowledge gained in one context to new and different ones. 答案应为:one may lieThe new political science curriculum at some high schools in India encourages teachers to use cartoons and newspaper clippings to provoke classroom debate on contemporary issues. 请全部使用小写字母填写Increased competition in this market will certainly lower prices请全部使用小写字母填写Biologists working to rescue the giant condor from extinction use radio telemetry and satellite signals to track banded birds.请全部使用小写字母填写The theory that the mass extinctions of 250 million years ago were caused by increased volcanic activity and a warming climate is based on newly discovered evidence.请全部使用小写字母填写The recent discovery that microbes can survive in extremely hostile environments on Earth has fueled speculation by some scientists that life may exist under similarly harsh conditions on other planets.请全部使用小写字母填写Evidence from several research studies has suggested that while all exercise has a positive effect on people’s moods, exercise performed out of doors brings the greatest psychological benefits.请全部使用小写字母填写The development of cameras so small that they can be swallowed by patients has made diagnosing certain diseases much easier.请全部使用小写字母填写One of the few marine mammals to make use of tools is the Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin, which uses sea sponges to stir sand on the ocean floor while hunting for prey.请全部使用小写字母填写Unlike Mesopotamian cities, in which buildings were arranged haphazardly, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses were laid out on a north-south, east-west grid, and houses and walls were built of standard-size bricks.请全部使用小写字母填写New data from United States Forest Service ecologists show that for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, seven dollars are saved that would have been spent on extinguishing big fires.请全部使用小写字母填写Like the grassy fields and old pastures that the upland sandpiper needs for feeding and nesting when it returns in May after wintering in the Argentine Pampas, the bird itself is vanishing in the northeastern United States as a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in farming practices.请全部使用小写字母填写The results of two recent unrelated studies support the idea that dolphins may share certain cognitive abilities with humans and great apes.请全部使用小写字母填写Traces of cultivated emmer wheat have been found among the earliest agricultural remains of many archaeological sites in Europe and Asia请全部使用小写字母填写In 1995 Richard Stallman, a well-known critic of the patent system, testified in Patent Office hearings that, to test the system, a colleague of his had managed to win a patent for one of Kirchhoff’s laws, an observation about electric current first made in 1845 and now included in virtually every textbook of elementary physics.请全部使用小写字母填写Excavators at the Indus Valley site of Harappa in eastern Palistan say the discovery of inscribed shards dating to circa 2800-2600 B.C. indicates that the development of a Harappan writing system, the use of inscribed seals impressed into clay for marking ownership, and the standardization of weights for trade or taxation occurred many decades, if not centuries, earlier than was previously believed.请全部使用小写字母填写The only place where the wild form of emmer wheat has been found growing is a relatively narrow strip of southwest Asia.请全部使用小写字母填写Despite the increasing number of women graduating from law school and passing bar examinations, the corporation of judges and partners at major law firms who are women has not risen comparably.请全部使用小写字母填写Seldom more than 40 feet wide or 12 feet deep but running 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, the Erie Canal connected the Hudson River at Albany to the Great Lakes at Buffalo, providing the port of New York City with a direct water link to the heartland of the North American continent.请全部使用小写字母填写段落分析 A proposed change to federal income tax laws would eliminate deductions from taxable income for donations a taxpayer has made to charitable and educational institutions. If this change were adopted, wealthy individuals would no longer be permitted such deductions. Therefore, many charitable and educational institutions would have to reduce services, and some would have to close their doors. 选中正确的原文逻辑类型A因推果B Plan-GoalC 果推因D 类比原文关键元素,如“因”或“Plan”复制粘贴下框中原文关键元素,如“果”或“Goal”复制粘贴下框中段落分析 ①Beta Corporation claims that it no longer has enough work for the 60 computer data-entry workers that it is laying off. ②These workers have heard, however, that the company is buying 100 new computers. ③the workers concluded that the company's real reason for laying them off is to fill their jobs with lower-paid workers.第②句和第③句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果①For many years, theoretical economists characterized humans as rational beings relentlessly benton maximizing purely selfish reward. ② Results of an experimental economics study appear to contradict this view.第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果① It is possible that fish with either a right eye or a left eye bias for viewing conspecifics would be positioned on the left and right side of the school respectively. ②This would allow lateralized fish to simultaneously gather information about their school mates in one hemifield and other key stimuli in the contra-lateral hemifield (e.g., predators or prey).第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果① Even though vegetable meal is nutritious to fish and less costly to use than anchovy meal, most fish farmers feed their fish only anchovy meal because fish prefer its taste and consequently gain weight faster. ②Farmed fish would gain weight faster still on a diet consisting of a new seafood product, but this diet’s advantages do not compensate for its additional cost. ③Nevertheless, the product’s developers predict that their product will be a commercially successful food for farmed fish第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果①Mother otariids use a foraging strategy. ②They acquire moderate energy stores in the form of blubber before arriving at breeding sites and then fast for 5 to 11 days after birth. ③Throughout the rest of the lactation (milk production) period, which lasts from 4 months to 3 years depending on the species, mother otariids alternately forage at sea, where they replenish their fat stores, and nurse their young at breeding sites第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果句子改错 答题说明:以下信息对于帮助我们去判断你的基础和弱项非常重要 1、选出你认为的正确答案 2、尽可能地给出你排除的每个选项的理由 3、总结这题老头的主要考点 4、写出你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景The Four Corners Monument in the southwestern region of the United States, marking the place where the boundaries of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah intersect.A. States, marking the place B. States marks the placeC. States, the place D. States, it marks E. States marking排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:Seeking to reduce pollution from conventional electricity plants, ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power are being considered by the state of Oregon.A. ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power are being considered by the state of OregonB. ways of converting the energy of ocean waves into usable power are something being considered by the state of OregonC. the conversion of the energy of ocean waves into usable power has been considered by the state of OregonD. the state of Oregon is considering ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a descendant of John and Priscilla Alden, whose romance he celebrated in the narrative poem “The Courtship of Miles Standish.”A. whose romance he celebratedB. he celebrated their romanceC.their romance was celebrated by himD. it was their romance he celebratesE. having celebrated their romance排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:A structure large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall, which spans thousands of milesA. A structure large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall, which spans thousands of miles B. A structure large enough to be seen from outer space and created by workers moving massive stone blocks is China’s Great Wall, it spans thousands of miles.C. Created by workers moving massive stone blocks, China’s Great Wall spans thousands of miles and is large enough to be seen from outer space.D. Spanning thousands of miles and it is large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall.排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:The television show Soul Train reached the height of its popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, it was showcasing the latest songs by outstanding rhythm-and-blues, soul, and hip-hop artists.A. it was showcasingB. it showcasedC. showing D. when it showcasesE. when they showcased排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:When I learned that both events were scheduled for the same evening, I found it difficult to choose between going to the basketball game or attend the rock concert.A. or attendB. or to attendC. or attendingD. and attendingE. and to attend排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:Although she spoke only Chinese at the time and had to memorize her English lines phonetically, Gong LI gave a memorable performance in the film GeishaA. Gong Li gave memorable performance in the film Memoirs of a GeishaB. Gong Li giving a memorable performance in the Memoirs of a GeishaC. Gong Li whose performance in the film Memoirs of a Geisha was memorably givenD. but the performance in the film memoirs of a Geisha given by Gong Li was memorableE. the film Memoirs of a Geisha had a memorable performance. it was given by Gong LI排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:When I asked which of the children was his daughter, he pointed to a little girl feeding a duck in a blue dress.A. feeding a duck in a blue dressB. feeding a duck and was in a blue dressC. feeding a duck, she was in a blue dressD. in a blue dress who was feeding a duckE. in a blue dress, she was feeding a duck排除每个选项的理由:这题老头的主要考点:你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景:句子分析能力 Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time the surface broke apart as a result of repeated impacts, after which the fragments rejoined through mutual gravitational attraction哪个选项正确描述了句子的总体结构A 从句,修饰,主+谓+从句B 从句,从句,主句,从句C 从句,主句,从句D 主句,从句,修饰Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of mutual gravitational attraction.根据划线部分的角色,复制出你认为句子中和解题暂时无关的信息并粘贴在下框考点熟悉度分析 Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of mutual gravitational attraction.(A)repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of (B)repeated impacts on the surface broke it apart, after which the fragments having rejoined with (C)through repeated impacts that the surface broke apart, after which the fragments subsequently rejoined by (D)the surface broke apart with repeated impacts, after which the fragments having rejoined through (E)the surface broke apart as a result of repeated impacts, after which the fragments rejoined through列举你排除每个选项的原因篇章分析 作者是否有观点?无有文中有几个观点?没1个2个或以上作者对其它观点是什么态度? 作者没观点或中性正评价负评价 段落分工: A 现象 B 观点 B1 作者自己 B2 别人的 C 论据 C1 作者自己的 C2 别人的数学测试说明涵盖基础知识自查 数的分类 ,数轴,正数负数,绝对值,因子和最大公因子,倍数和最小公倍数,有尽小数,小数加减,不等式,应用题基础,指数计算,代数式计算,代数化简,函数,一元一次方程,一元二次方程,几何,统计基础。 46是一个什么数?A natural, whole, an integer, irrationalB natural, whole, an integer rational and real.C natural and real and decimal.D irrational and real6.675是一个什么数?A terminating decimal B integerC irrationalD nonrepeating decimals给下面几个数字从小到大排序 : -3/4; 1/2; 3+(1/8); √4;-2.38A -3/4; -2.38 ; 1/2; √4;3+(1/8)B -3/4; -2.38 ; √4; 1/2; 3+(1/8)C -2.38 ; -3/4; 1/2; √4;3+(1/8)D -2.38 ; -3/4; 1/2; 3+(1/8) ; √42*|-4|= 2-|-4|=-|-6|=18的因子有哪些?A 2,3,6,9.18B 1,2,3,6,9,18 C 2,3D 2,3.6.916的因子个数有几个?A 3个B 4个C 5个D 6个18 个质因子有几个?A 2个B 3个C 4个D 6个18和72的最大公因子是多少?A 2B 3C 9 D 189 和11的 最小公倍数是多少?A 1 B 9 C 11D 992/5+1/4=1/2+1/3=3/5 ÷ (8/9)=4/5*(1/2)=4.24*2.1=1.2*5.8=1250÷0.05 =(-2)(-15)=66÷(-2)=a<b , a<c ;b和c的关系是 ?A b<cB b>c C 不能确定D b=ca<b and b<c; a和c的关系是?A a<cB a=c C a>c D 不确定-1/2 和-1/3 的大小关系是?A -1/2 大B -1/3 大C 一样大D 不确定下面那个分数数值最大?A 2:9 B 42:52C 5:30 D 19:37一个人一小时走1/2 mile 那么走2mile需要几小时?直接填写数值即可一个人 30分钟 完成一项工作 两个人速度相同,需要多久(分钟)完成这项工作?直接填写数值即可一个东西3.5刀单价,成本2刀,需要卖出多少个可以赚到15刀?直接填写数值即可一辆车 在时速40mile/hour的时候,走25mile耗油3gallon,求在40mile/hour的情况下,这辆车走100mile 需要耗油多少?直接填写数值即可一场演唱会一共105分钟,20:15分开始 几点钟结束?直接填写数值即可(24小时制)某城市植树,在一条笔直的马路头种下了一棵树,每隔4米种一颗,一共20米的路,请问有多少颗树 ?直接填写数值即可一个公司里有40%的女性员工,女性员工中有10%是高级职称,求女性高级职称的人有多少百分比?直接填写数值即可小树老师去吃饭,一共支付了13.2刀,其中给了10%的小费,那么没有小费的餐是多少钱?直接填写数值即可小树老师去买眼线笔一个15刀,大仙让小树老师给他带个面膜 一个单价10刀,店里打折 超过20刀整单优惠20%discount,一共需要支付多少钱?直接填写数值即可小树老师去买眼线笔一个15刀,大仙让小树老师给他带个面膜 一个单价10刀,大仙要了10片面膜,店里打折 超过20刀整单优惠20%discount,但是小树老师依然收了大仙10刀一个面膜。问小树老师赚了多少钱?直接填写数值即可大仙5月去银行存了100万人民币,存10年,单利2% 每年, 大仙10年以后的本息和是多少钱?单位:万直接填写数值即可小树老师2018年年初 去银行存了10万软妹币,存到2020年年底(共两年)每年利率为10%复利,那么到2020年底本息和是多少钱?单位:万直接填写数值即可(3x²y3)²=?9x6y49x4y6x6y49x4y914m0=?x-3/x-4=?字母请小写n!=n*(n-1)*(n-2)*….*1 4!/3!=?(n-1)!/(n-2)!= F(X)=X²+6 当X =6时 F(X)=?X@Y =x²y 求2@3=?x@y=x²y 求x²@y=?x4y2x4yxy44xy一个三角形 边长是a b 和c, a+b?c A <B >C 不确定D =给下面几个概念排序 选出你认为总属关系A parallelogram ∈rectangleB Rhombus ∈Square C Parallelogram ∈RhombusD Square ∈parallelogram圆周长公式C=2πr,那么圆心角是120度角对应的小的弧长是多少?大仙想知道小树老师的数学学生一年有多少,于是派自己的弟子10个人去参加小树老师的课程,假设同一时间内,小树老师的数学总数基本不变,30天后,大仙随便找了小树老师的10个学生来参加问卷,发现有自己的弟子2人,求小树老师同一时间学生数量多少人?A 20人 B 35人C 50人D 不能求出一共5个人 其中4个人的身高是158 160 162 168,5个人的身高range是10cm.问剩下一个人身高是多少?A 148B 155C 178 D160已知2是关于x的方程 3x+a=0的一个解,则a的值是?A -5B -3C -4D -6直线方程 y=3x+3的图像的x轴截距是多少?A -1B 1C 3 D 求不出Y=4x²+4x+1 是一个一元二次方程,问和x轴有几个交点?Y=4x²+4x-3 是一个一元二次方程,问和x轴有几个交点?7个学生去考GMAT,大家的分数如下500、550、600、650、700、 750、 800.求他们的中位数是多少?A 650 B 625 C 675 D 条件不足7个学生去考GMAT,大家的分数如下500、550、 600、650、700、750、800.求他们的平均数是多少?A 650 B 625 C 675 D 条件不足有一组数据符合正态分布,关于平均数对称,平均数是80 ,标准方差是2 ,其中78到82的数据占全部数据的68%,求比82少的人占全部人数多少percent?A 68%B 50%C 32%D 84%有一个长方形的照片尺寸是9*10cm ,小树老师要给它做一个相框。尺寸是 宽度2cm。求相框的面积?直接填写数值 如图 一个梯子开始在45°角的位置 起始位置是5m. 后来同一个梯子下移了一段距离,求问号部分的长度?A (5√6-10)/2B (5√2-10)/2C (5√3-10)/2D 条件不足 提交成功!
1. Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s wings, the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, also eables the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away phenomenonA. 不一样的本能B. 奇迹C. 现象D. 非凡的人
2. Although ice particles in the upper atmosphere benefit Earth in that they reflect and absorb solar radiation, acting as a global thermostat and thus keeping Earth from either burning up or freezing over, they also accelerate the destruction of the ozone layer by reacting with chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)benefitA. 使……得益B. 下面C. 福利D. 促进
3. Whereas the use of synthetic fertilizers has greatly expanded agricultural productivity in many parts of the world, an increase in their use can create serious environmental problems such as water pollution, and their substitution for more traditional fertilizers may accelerate soil structure deterioration and soil erosionWhereasA. 如果B. 虽然C. 鉴于D. 因为
4.Shipwrecks are more likely to be found undisturbed at great depths than in shallow coastal waters,where archaeological remains are exposed to turbulence and are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether archaeologist, treasure hunter, or sport diver.undisturbedA.未用过的B. 不受…影响的;不受…烦扰的C. 平静的;D. 不动的
5. Socially and environmentally responsible investing is on the rise: last year in the United States, over $2 trillion was invested in funds that screen companies according to a variety of criteria such as adherence to labor standards, protection of the environment, and observance of human rightsresponsibleA. 有责任心的; B. 受责备的C. 负责的(对项目等)D. 反应快的
6. When lawmakers establish income tax rates in order to generate a certain level of revenue, they do not allow adequately for revenue that will be lost through evasion.establishA. 废除B. 联系C. 建立D. 证实
7. To help counteract the adverse effects of trout stocking on the amphibian populations in certain mountain lakes, biologists are recommending that some states cut back on trout stocking and even remove the trout from some popular fishing lakescounteractA. 综合B. 阻碍C. 抵消D. 改正
8. Neuroscientists, having amassed a wealth of knowledge over the past twenty years about the brain and its development from birth to adulthood, are now drawing solid conclusions about how the human brain grows and how babies acquireamassedA. 驱散B. 准备C. 拥有D. 积累
9. It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology : Alvin Toffler, one of the most prominent students of the future, did not even mention microcomputers in Future Shock, published in 1970 faultA. 断层B. 错误C. 故障D. 缺点
10. One critic’s response to the philosopher’s new work is not that the position it takes is heretical, as some have asserted, but instead nothing new to anyone who knows anything about the topiccriticA. 评论家B. 文章C. 爱挑剔的人D. 吹毛求疵的人
11. The state has proposed new rules that would set minimum staffing levels for nurses, rules intended to ensure that at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room.proposedA. 求婚B. 建议C. 提示D. 计划
12、For many years, theoretical economists characterized humans as rational beings relentlessly bent on maximizing purely selfish rewardcharacterizedA. 描述为…B. 特征C. 塑造人物D. 性格为…
要求:只保留主句的主语和谓语的核心词,包括助动词。如果有表语可保留 范例: (1)If the tower’s construction had not taken two centuries and involved significant breaks due to war and civil unrest, which allowed the ground beneath the tower to settle, the tower would have collapsed before it was completed. 答案应为:the tower would have collapsed 范例: (2)One of the primary distinctions between our intelligence and that of other primates may lie not so much in any specific skill as in our ability to extend knowledge gained in one context to new and different ones. 答案应为:one may lie
The new political science curriculum at some high schools in India encourages teachers to use cartoons and newspaper clippings to provoke classroom debate on contemporary issues. 请全部使用小写字母填写
Biologists working to rescue the giant condor from extinction use radio telemetry and satellite signals to track banded birds.请全部使用小写字母填写
The theory that the mass extinctions of 250 million years ago were caused by increased volcanic activity and a warming climate is based on newly discovered evidence.请全部使用小写字母填写
The recent discovery that microbes can survive in extremely hostile environments on Earth has fueled speculation by some scientists that life may exist under similarly harsh conditions on other planets.请全部使用小写字母填写
Evidence from several research studies has suggested that while all exercise has a positive effect on people’s moods, exercise performed out of doors brings the greatest psychological benefits.请全部使用小写字母填写
The development of cameras so small that they can be swallowed by patients has made diagnosing certain diseases much easier.请全部使用小写字母填写
One of the few marine mammals to make use of tools is the Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin, which uses sea sponges to stir sand on the ocean floor while hunting for prey.请全部使用小写字母填写
Unlike Mesopotamian cities, in which buildings were arranged haphazardly, the cities of the Indus Valley all followed the same basic plan: houses were laid out on a north-south, east-west grid, and houses and walls were built of standard-size bricks.请全部使用小写字母填写
New data from United States Forest Service ecologists show that for every dollar spent on controlled small-scale burning, forest thinning, and the training of fire-management personnel, seven dollars are saved that would have been spent on extinguishing big fires.请全部使用小写字母填写
Like the grassy fields and old pastures that the upland sandpiper needs for feeding and nesting when it returns in May after wintering in the Argentine Pampas, the bird itself is vanishing in the northeastern United States as a result of residential and industrial development and of changes in farming practices.请全部使用小写字母填写
The results of two recent unrelated studies support the idea that dolphins may share certain cognitive abilities with humans and great apes.请全部使用小写字母填写
Traces of cultivated emmer wheat have been found among the earliest agricultural remains of many archaeological sites in Europe and Asia请全部使用小写字母填写
In 1995 Richard Stallman, a well-known critic of the patent system, testified in Patent Office hearings that, to test the system, a colleague of his had managed to win a patent for one of Kirchhoff’s laws, an observation about electric current first made in 1845 and now included in virtually every textbook of elementary physics.请全部使用小写字母填写
Excavators at the Indus Valley site of Harappa in eastern Palistan say the discovery of inscribed shards dating to circa 2800-2600 B.C. indicates that the development of a Harappan writing system, the use of inscribed seals impressed into clay for marking ownership, and the standardization of weights for trade or taxation occurred many decades, if not centuries, earlier than was previously believed.请全部使用小写字母填写
The only place where the wild form of emmer wheat has been found growing is a relatively narrow strip of southwest Asia.请全部使用小写字母填写
Despite the increasing number of women graduating from law school and passing bar examinations, the corporation of judges and partners at major law firms who are women has not risen comparably.请全部使用小写字母填写
Seldom more than 40 feet wide or 12 feet deep but running 363 miles across the rugged wilderness of upstate New York, the Erie Canal connected the Hudson River at Albany to the Great Lakes at Buffalo, providing the port of New York City with a direct water link to the heartland of the North American continent.请全部使用小写字母填写
A proposed change to federal income tax laws would eliminate deductions from taxable income for donations a taxpayer has made to charitable and educational institutions. If this change were adopted, wealthy individuals would no longer be permitted such deductions. Therefore, many charitable and educational institutions would have to reduce services, and some would have to close their doors. 选中正确的原文逻辑类型A因推果B Plan-GoalC 果推因D 类比
①Beta Corporation claims that it no longer has enough work for the 60 computer data-entry workers that it is laying off. ②These workers have heard, however, that the company is buying 100 new computers. ③the workers concluded that the company's real reason for laying them off is to fill their jobs with lower-paid workers.第②句和第③句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果
①For many years, theoretical economists characterized humans as rational beings relentlessly benton maximizing purely selfish reward. ② Results of an experimental economics study appear to contradict this view.第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果
① It is possible that fish with either a right eye or a left eye bias for viewing conspecifics would be positioned on the left and right side of the school respectively. ②This would allow lateralized fish to simultaneously gather information about their school mates in one hemifield and other key stimuli in the contra-lateral hemifield (e.g., predators or prey).第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果
① Even though vegetable meal is nutritious to fish and less costly to use than anchovy meal, most fish farmers feed their fish only anchovy meal because fish prefer its taste and consequently gain weight faster. ②Farmed fish would gain weight faster still on a diet consisting of a new seafood product, but this diet’s advantages do not compensate for its additional cost. ③Nevertheless, the product’s developers predict that their product will be a commercially successful food for farmed fish第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果
①Mother otariids use a foraging strategy. ②They acquire moderate energy stores in the form of blubber before arriving at breeding sites and then fast for 5 to 11 days after birth. ③Throughout the rest of the lactation (milk production) period, which lasts from 4 months to 3 years depending on the species, mother otariids alternately forage at sea, where they replenish their fat stores, and nurse their young at breeding sites第1句和第2句的关系是:A 递进B 并列C 转折D 因果
答题说明:以下信息对于帮助我们去判断你的基础和弱项非常重要 1、选出你认为的正确答案 2、尽可能地给出你排除的每个选项的理由 3、总结这题老头的主要考点 4、写出你做决策过程曾经可能出现的比较困难的情景
The Four Corners Monument in the southwestern region of the United States, marking the place where the boundaries of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah intersect.A. States, marking the place B. States marks the placeC. States, the place D. States, it marks E. States marking
Seeking to reduce pollution from conventional electricity plants, ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power are being considered by the state of Oregon.A. ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power are being considered by the state of OregonB. ways of converting the energy of ocean waves into usable power are something being considered by the state of OregonC. the conversion of the energy of ocean waves into usable power has been considered by the state of OregonD. the state of Oregon is considering ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a descendant of John and Priscilla Alden, whose romance he celebrated in the narrative poem “The Courtship of Miles Standish.”A. whose romance he celebratedB. he celebrated their romanceC.their romance was celebrated by himD. it was their romance he celebratesE. having celebrated their romance
A structure large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall, which spans thousands of milesA. A structure large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall, which spans thousands of miles B. A structure large enough to be seen from outer space and created by workers moving massive stone blocks is China’s Great Wall, it spans thousands of miles.C. Created by workers moving massive stone blocks, China’s Great Wall spans thousands of miles and is large enough to be seen from outer space.D. Spanning thousands of miles and it is large enough to be seen from outer space, workers moved massive stone blocks to create China’s Great Wall.
The television show Soul Train reached the height of its popularity in the 1970s and 1980s, it was showcasing the latest songs by outstanding rhythm-and-blues, soul, and hip-hop artists.A. it was showcasingB. it showcasedC. showing D. when it showcasesE. when they showcased
When I learned that both events were scheduled for the same evening, I found it difficult to choose between going to the basketball game or attend the rock concert.A. or attendB. or to attendC. or attendingD. and attendingE. and to attend
Although she spoke only Chinese at the time and had to memorize her English lines phonetically, Gong LI gave a memorable performance in the film GeishaA. Gong Li gave memorable performance in the film Memoirs of a GeishaB. Gong Li giving a memorable performance in the Memoirs of a GeishaC. Gong Li whose performance in the film Memoirs of a Geisha was memorably givenD. but the performance in the film memoirs of a Geisha given by Gong Li was memorableE. the film Memoirs of a Geisha had a memorable performance. it was given by Gong LI
When I asked which of the children was his daughter, he pointed to a little girl feeding a duck in a blue dress.A. feeding a duck in a blue dressB. feeding a duck and was in a blue dressC. feeding a duck, she was in a blue dressD. in a blue dress who was feeding a duckE. in a blue dress, she was feeding a duck
Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time the surface broke apart as a result of repeated impacts, after which the fragments rejoined through mutual gravitational attraction哪个选项正确描述了句子的总体结构A 从句,修饰,主+谓+从句B 从句,从句,主句,从句C 从句,主句,从句D 主句,从句,修饰
Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of mutual gravitational attraction.根据划线部分的角色,复制出你认为句子中和解题暂时无关的信息并粘贴在下框
考点熟悉度分析 Because Miranda, the smallest moon of Uranus, has a large number of different surface features, including craters, mountains, valleys, and fractures, some astronomers suggest that at one time repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of mutual gravitational attraction.(A)repeated impacts broke the surface apart, and after which the fragments were subsequently rejoined because of (B)repeated impacts on the surface broke it apart, after which the fragments having rejoined with (C)through repeated impacts that the surface broke apart, after which the fragments subsequently rejoined by (D)the surface broke apart with repeated impacts, after which the fragments having rejoined through (E)the surface broke apart as a result of repeated impacts, after which the fragments rejoined through
数学测试说明涵盖基础知识自查 数的分类 ,数轴,正数负数,绝对值,因子和最大公因子,倍数和最小公倍数,有尽小数,小数加减,不等式,应用题基础,指数计算,代数式计算,代数化简,函数,一元一次方程,一元二次方程,几何,统计基础。
46是一个什么数?A natural, whole, an integer, irrationalB natural, whole, an integer rational and real.C natural and real and decimal.D irrational and real
给下面几个数字从小到大排序 : -3/4; 1/2; 3+(1/8); √4;-2.38A -3/4; -2.38 ; 1/2; √4;3+(1/8)B -3/4; -2.38 ; √4; 1/2; 3+(1/8)C -2.38 ; -3/4; 1/2; √4;3+(1/8)D -2.38 ; -3/4; 1/2; 3+(1/8) ; √4
小树老师去买眼线笔一个15刀,大仙让小树老师给他带个面膜 一个单价10刀,大仙要了10片面膜,店里打折 超过20刀整单优惠20%discount,但是小树老师依然收了大仙10刀一个面膜。问小树老师赚了多少钱?直接填写数值即可
给下面几个概念排序 选出你认为总属关系A parallelogram ∈rectangleB Rhombus ∈Square C Parallelogram ∈RhombusD Square ∈parallelogram
大仙想知道小树老师的数学学生一年有多少,于是派自己的弟子10个人去参加小树老师的课程,假设同一时间内,小树老师的数学总数基本不变,30天后,大仙随便找了小树老师的10个学生来参加问卷,发现有自己的弟子2人,求小树老师同一时间学生数量多少人?A 20人 B 35人C 50人D 不能求出